Getting along a little better.
The weather has been unseasonably warm. This means it is grazing season. However, Snickers, Petunia, and to a certain extent Penelope have continued rooting up all the dandelion greens. The combination of a dwindling supply and growing grass has enticed them to focus more on grazing. A fair trade off, but gassy pigs are not much fun either– easier than muddy snouts and hooves though!
With the warmer weather and increased outside time, the pigs are all able to interact freely in the yard. We can actually let them all alone in the yard without supervision. There have been no escapes, fights, or any other shenanigans. If there is the slightest hint of an altercation, someone will invariably bow out and prance away. It seems that they are all too sore to continue battling. Penelope has a no lose attitude, which means that she is usually more banged up than the rest. Rosco has a fair amount of battle wounds because he is not willing to be the biggest pig but at the bottom of the hierarchy. Petunia and Snickers are happy with their place and don’t challenge…much.
Here is a picture of Snickers and Petunia after a long day of rooting, grazing and lounging in the yard.

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