Swine And Dandy knows that there are sometimes when having a Pet Pig can be overwhelming. In all, they are fairly predicatble creatures as long as you speak their language. We have had a great deal of success working with other pig people using our conceptualization of pet pigs. We have experience working with all types of piggies including overweight, timid, unsocialized, overactive, bored, food-entitled, and *gasp* aggressive piggies. We have seen almost everything.
Most people are surprised when we are not shocked by the behavior they are describing. Usually there are a few underlying issues going on that are identifiable by a consultation visit. Usually these visits are relatively short, an hour or two. It is rare that a consult will require more time than this. If it does, then we will make a couple trips as one long session is not good for any party involved.
For a price list for consultation click here.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us. For a list of prices for consultations, click the link below.
A problem pig often becomes much better even after one session. “There are no bad piggies, only piggies in the wrong situation.”