New and Improved…we think!

We have had difficulty manually keeping up with the issues with our website’s theme. Far too often we needed to get under the hood of our website and fix some things that should have been the developer’s responsibility. Well, we decided that we would just go on without the theme we were using and move onto bigger and better things. So, we are letting everyone know that our website will look a little different and functionality may be disrupted– at this time everything works better than ever!

Something that we could use from our customers and others who we have helped along the way: Would you be so kind as to visit our guestbook and say a few nice things about us? We are contacted by new people all the time (No, not babies. New people to us!), and being able to see the comments from others serves as a comfort. You wouldn’t book a hotel without looking at the reviews, right? We don’t expect people to leave their piggies with use without feeling comfortable with us either.

You can go here to sign our guestbook:

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