Balancing Yard Time

Swine and Dandy has officially reached their maximum capacity for this weekend with a total of 9 pigs in 5 herds. Did we mention they all live in the house? Good thing pigs are so clean!

Well, with the weather being so nice lately, everyone is anxious to get their allotted yard time. Below you can see Snickers and Petunia happy to get their time in the middle of the day. This is because the white pigs risk getting sunburned during this time but these two cuties are perfectly safe.




As you can see, Snickers is getting plenty of grazing time to fill that belly right up.DSC_1412[1]

This is Bella, a sweet little girl who will be with us while her family is moving. She is definitely a “people pig” and follows Will and Leslie around constantly. She certainly has adjusted well and we look forward to spending more time with her.



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