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Late February snow storm.

As much as it should be expected, we still don’t enjoy heavy snowfall– the pigs least of all!   However,  a little snow …

The state of the pigs!

During the winter months, the pigs spend much of their time waiting and dreaming of the days where they can go out …

Merry Christmas!

The permanent herd decided to go back to bed after breakfast. That means that Snickers and Petunia get to engage in the …

Late fall grooming.

Petunia just could not handle Snickers getting all the attention while she was waiting for her turn to get groomed. She figured …

Let there be light…and heat!

Here at Swine And Dandy, we are adding electricity to our outdoor boarding shed.  One would think that we could get a …

Where Did Summer Go?

Thankfully, all the pigs have blown their coats early enough in the year that they have enough hair grown back for this …

Look momoos and dadoos!

  With so many loved family pets staying with us, we figured we would let them give a little shout out back …

Balancing Yard Time

Swine and Dandy has officially reached their maximum capacity for this weekend with a total of 9 pigs in 5 herds. Did …