An unusually warm January day makes for mid winter explorations.
The pigs, especially Mason who until now had only discovered about ten percent off the yard because of his sight issues, are …
The pigs, especially Mason who until now had only discovered about ten percent off the yard because of his sight issues, are …
Click to view video. Stewie and Stella checking out the new digs. They will be with us until May when their momoo …
Swine and Dandy has set a new record with six, yes six, pigs in the house. Snookie is a rescue pig from …
Mason decided to take a second round at rampaging the boxes and leftover wrapping paper. Look how slim he is getting!
It was an exciting morning for all. An early awakening paired with an early breakfast made for quite a confusing time. Here …
What does it mean to have 4 bored pigs. It means whining and mischief. Torn up carpet runners more specifically. Leslie say, …
We got all the piggies matching stockings this year since we have so many at the moment.
Normally we save this for a warm day when the kiddos can go outside but Leslie couldn’t stand it any longer. All …
Petunia is such a sweet little girl. She just can’t stop herself from following everyone around all day. Oh, just the chance …
Mason is taking strides every day toward becoming part of the herd. Today he ate his entire meal outside and grazed a …