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Swine And Dandy, Page 15

Mason out and about!

Everyone is out enjoying the wonderful weather today including Mason. His dismount off the deck was not graceful in any way but …

Congratulations Mason

Mason’s measurements were re-done today and he has lost approximately 13lbs since he first came here! He is down to approximately 160lbs …

Happy double birthday!

Both Mason and Penelope celebrated birthdays today.  Mason turns 2 and Penelope 7.  How did our little girl get so…not young? She …

Nice and toasty!

We figured there wasn’t a better way to test out the new heat exchange for the wood stove than by creating nice …

The little kiddos.

The cutie pie Snickers is going through a bit of a growth spurt so his butt is much higher than his shoulders. …

A dreary day…

Rosco demonstrates how to look mopey while going out in the rain with a jacket on. Penny, Snickers, Petunia and Mason prefer …

Yay Mason!

Mason finally eating straight food without having to be enticed with English muffins or anything else like that. We knew it was …