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Swine And Dandy, Page 12

The Incredible Shrinking Pig!

Pictures and video just don’t do it justice, but Mason has lost a lot of weight and gotten in great shape.  This …

What a Wonderful Life

Everyone seems so pleased to be out and about these day. They seem to be more “herd” like lately as they tend …

Race Car Piggies

As everyone was outside enjoying the peace and quiet, Stewie and Stella were surprised to be joined by a remote car from …

What a Wonderful Day

Everyone is thoroughly enjoying these past few days on warm weather. Nothing makes us happier than to look out over our yard …

Hoof Trimming

Today we trimmed Lilacs hooves.  Her mom and dad drove for all the way from the east side of Michigan to have …

Pig Personalities

We often hear stories about other people’s pigs. One of the more common questions that come up is about the activity level …

Itchy scratchy Mason

Click to view video. Poor old Mason is blowing his coat. This leads to him being very scratchy and itchy. We brush …

Discoveries Abound!

Today there are some new discoveries.  First, Mason has found that when the herd is away he can sneak into their bed …

The best cure to feeling icky.

Did you know that pigs have healing power?  This is probably more anecdotal than anything, but when we feel sick, we make …